The suspense around low-level viremia: Do we need to worry?
Turkish AIDS and STI Society and Euroguidelines in Central and Eastern Europe Network Group Joint Webinar
March 25, 2024 Monday 18:00 CET (20:00 Turkey time)
Deniz Gökengin (Ege University Faculty of Medicine-Turkiye, Turkish AIDS and STI Society)
Justyna Kowalska (Medical University of Warsaw-Poland, ECEE Network Group President)
Ivailo Alexiev (National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofia, Bulgaria)
Annemarie Wensing (University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands )
Justyna Kowalska (Medical University of Warsaw-Poland, ECEE Network Group President)
Sabri Atalay (University of Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine Tepecik Training Hospital Department
of Infectious Diseases, Izmir, Türkiye)
Tomasso Celemente (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Department of Infectious Diseases, Milan, Italy)
All participants
18:00-18:05 Opening and welcoming remarks
(Deniz Gökengin, Justyna Kowalska)
18:05-18:25 The mechanism of low-level viremia: Is it really important?
Ivailo Alexiev
18:25-18:45 The management of low-level viremia: Practical tips for the clinician
Annemarie Wensing
18:45-19:00 Case presentation
Tomasso Celemente
19:00-19:15 Case presentation
Sabri Atalay
19:15-19:25 Discussion
19:25-19:30 Closing remarks
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